Latest News

Another sunny morning

Planting saplings in the sunshine

After the wind last month and a little snow last night

Next Workday

Sunday 6th April 2025


Visit the gallery for photographs of the meadow and some of the species we've seen.


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Baydons Meadow Wildlife Group

The group exists to manage Baydons Meadow, a field beside the river in Chippenham, as a hay meadow.

Over the years we are increasing the numbers of wildflowers and invertebrates, and are gradually reducing the incidence of coarse grasses and other vigorous plants.

We are a small group of volunteers, who would welcome help from anyone with a few hours to spare. We meet on the first Sunday morning each month. Please see the Volunteering page for details and dates.

Mortimores Wood Volunteers need help too

Our sister group at Mortimores Wood are looking for more volunteers to help manage the small ancient woodland on the banks of the Avon, just south of Chippenham. They meet on the second Sunday of each month at 10am for the morning. Their tasks include coppicing the hazels in rotation in the winter and keeping the paths and steps in good condition, clearing brambles and trimming the hedge in the summer half of the year. No experience required and tools/gloves provided. See @MWCVChippenham on Facebook or