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Another sunny morning
2nd March
For the second month running the sun shone on our task morning, though it was chilly in the shade.
Nearly a dozen of us were busy around the area: brushcutting the meadow edge of the copse, cutting up large fallen boughs from the hedgerow, tidying up branches and twigs into more compact habitat piles, continuing cutting the bramble scrub, checking on the newly-planted saplings and picking up litter.
It was a productive morning and we enjoyed seeing the snowdrops, primroses and wild daffodils in flower.
Planting saplings in the sunshine
2nd February
We planted 50 wildlife-booster saplings alongside the meadow this morning. They were given to us by The Conservation Volunteers as part of their I Dig Trees initiative for the second year running. Most of them form a hedge beside the cycle path, plus adding Silver Birches to the copse in the corner and filling in gaps in our native hedge. Other tasks included coppicing a hazel to allow more light to reach the ground flora and continuing to cut a section of old bramble to encourage it to rejuvenate with fresh growth.
After the wind last month and a little snow last night
5th January
The snow had turned to rain by this morning and there were only three brave (or foolish?) souls helping on the task day. At least the cold and frosty temperatures were replaced by much milder conditions.
The gales of last month had brought down part of a large willow tree from the other side of the cycle path onto the verge and trees at the edge of our meadow. The Council and locals had cut it up and removed it from the path but there were many twigs and branches scattered over the verge and trees, so we pulled the debris down, cut it up, raked it and made habitat piles and dead hedges nearby.
P.S. A couple of us met up the following Sunday in better weather to continue with some hedgelaying.