We need volunteers ...
... to help care for the Meadow. There are only half a dozen regulars at our workdays. The group would welcome more assistance. Can you spare a couple of hours occasionally and spend them in the fresh air of a local open space?
What we do
Since the formation of the group in 2003 large numbers of wildflower plug plants have been planted. Many were grown from seed that we gathered from the meadow.
We have planted a new hedgerow of mixed, native shrubs alongside the old, ivy-covered hawthorns.
The group has planted one corner with scattered saplings to form a copse.
We have selectively pruned the bramble scrub to prevent excessive encroaching on the meadow and are trying to reduce some of the more problematic species like nettles, cow parsley, hogweed and dock.
Other jobs we do in the meadow include mowing the paths, trimming around new plantings, selective coppicing of the trees beside the cyclepath and tidying away any litter.
There has been professional help as well. A local farmer cuts, bales and removes the hay once a year in late summer. This lowers the fertility of the meadow and allows the wildflowers a chance to flower and set seed.
Over the years much of the old hedge has been cut down. Two log seats were installed and have proved popular with visitors.
The workdays are on the first Sunday of each month, starting at 10:30am until lunchtime.
Future workdays:
- Sunday 6th April 2025 Tasks will probably involve some sort of tidying up from the winter activities!
- Sunday 4th May Tasks could include pulling nettles, mowing paths and cutting off hogweed heads before they flower.
- Sunday 1st June Tasks could include mowing grass paths and cutting off hogweed seed heads.
- Sunday 6th July This is usually the month to look around and appreciate how we have improved the meadow for flowers and invertebrates like butterflies, especially if the sun shines. We often bring our picnics as well.
We meet at 2, Baydons Lane (Michael and Angela's house) to collect the tools etc. If you approach via St Mary Street, you will see the black wrought iron gates of number 2 on your left immediately after the bollards. If you turn onto The Butts next to the roundabout, the bollards are to the left in Baydons Lane with the black gates on the right.
You do not need any experience to help, and all tools and gloves are provided. Just bring a drink if you like and your enthusiasm!
We would love to see you, even if you can only help occasionally. Just turn up or contact us.